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Book summary Harpal Brar: Bourgeois Nationalism or Proletarian Internationalism? |
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The question of the fight against racial discrimination is by no means confined to humanitarian considerations. It has far greater and far deeper significance for the working class.
Central to the proletariat’s fight against racism is the recognition that the fight against racism is an integral part of its struggle against capitalism; it is the recognition by the proletariat that in the struggle for its own social emancipation it cannot make any significant advance unless at the same time it wages an uncompromising and relentless struggle against racism, for racism divides, weakens, and renders impotent the working-class movement.
In the words of Karl Marx: “Labour in the white skin cannot be free if in the black it is branded.”
In this book, the author, by reference to the teachings of Marxism Leninism and historical facts, argues that just as it is incumbent on British socialists, who happen to be white, to fight against white chauvinism and imperialist prejudices against black workers, it is equally incumbent on socialist, who happen to be black, to wage a vigorous fight against the pernicious ideology of separatism and black bourgeois nationalism.
While calling upon all class-conscious workers to combat all national oppression and national privileges, he asks them not to confine themselves to that’ they must fight for the amalgamation of all workers.
In the words of Lenin, the class conscious workers must “combat all, even the most refined, nationalism, and advocate not only the unity, but also the amalgamation of the workers of all countries in the struggle against reaction and against bourgeois nationalism in all its forms”, for “our banner does not carry the slogan ‘national culture’ but international culture, which unites all nations in a higher, socialist unity, and the way to which is already being paved by the international amalgamation of capital”.
The class conscious workers must insist that “the slogan of national culture is a bourgeois fraud”; they must insist that “our slogan is: the international slogan of democracy and of the world working-class movement”.
Only along these lines can the proletariat strengthen its unity and wage a successful struggle for the overthrow of imperialism. The history of the Bolshevik party, the history of the October Revolution and the successful construction of socialism in the former USSR are eloquent proof of the above line of thought.
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