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Harpal Brar: Revisionism and the Demise of the USSR (£3.00)
Revisionism and the Demise of the USSR (£3.00)Buy a copy from our shop

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The period between the 20th and the 22nd congresses of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) witnessed the emergence, formation, growth and systematisation of Khrushchevite revisionism on a number of very important questions of principle, during which period the teachings of Marxism Leninism were subjected to wholesale revision, distortion and downright falsification.

Harpal Brar's 1992 book, Perestroika, concentrated on exposing the economic side of revisionism: the economic theories propounded, the practical steps taken and 'reforms' implemented by the Khrushchevite revisionists on the road to restoring capitalism in the USSR.

Then, it seemed that the revisionist distortions of the fundamental teachings of Marxism Leninism in the field of ideology, politics and class struggle were so glaringly obvious and had been so thoroughly dealt with by the anti-revisionist movement led by China and Albania as to require no further treatment.

Nearly twenty years later, this present pamphlet, which exposes the Khrushchevites' falsifications of Marxist-Leninist theory, has been written in order to fill that gap. This is particularly needed in view of the fact that the younger generation of communists, even in some of the best communist parties in the world, is hardly acquainted with the origin of these falsifications and the devastating effect they have had on the international communist movement, from which the latter is still struggling to recover.

Capitalism is not a system that can be reformed; it needs to be overthrown. It must and it will be overthrown. The present crisis has wiped the post-second world war shine off the face of capitalism and discredited all its boastful claims to be the bearer of prosperity and democracy.

The imperialist triumphalism that accompanied the collapse of the USSR and the eastern European socialist countries has all but disappeared. The Fukuyamas of this world who, following the Soviet collapse, crowed about the "unabashed victory of economic and political liberalism", pronounced "the end of history" - "the end point of mankind's ideological evolution and universalisation of western liberal democracy as the final form of human government", have fallen strangely silent.

'Economic liberalisation' and 'western liberal democracy' are currently being smashed to smithereens on the stock exchanges and financial markets in the principal centres of imperialism and on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, and are being increasingly challenged in the streets of Athens, Dublin, Madrid, Lisbon, Paris and London.

The capitalist crisis of overproduction, with its resultant burdens on the working and oppressed peoples, and the imperialist predatory wars are mobilising hundreds of millions of people on a global scale in a life-and-death struggle against finance capital. In view of this, the winners of the 1991 counter-revolution will not have the last word.

The international proletariat, learning from the Soviet collapse and the revisionist treachery that brought it about, is bound to march forward to its social emancipation, never losing sight of the fact that the Soviet Union "will be forever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new society" – to quote the words of Karl Marx apropos the Paris Commune.

As this crisis strikes deep, the British proletariat, like the proletariat in every other country, will be confronted with the simple truth that, in the fight against the omnipotence of giant monopolies, gargantuan banks and the financial oligarchy, the customary trade-union and parliamentary methods of struggle are entirely inadequate. The Leninist theory of revolution, and Leninist tactics and methods of organisation, offer the only road to salvation open to a proletariat faced with this stark choice:

"Either place yourself at the mercy of capital, eke out a wretched existence and skink lower and lower, or adopt a new weapon - this is the alternative imperialism puts before the vast masses of the proletariat. Imperialism brings the working class to revolution." (JV Stalin, Foundations of Leninism, 1924)

Let proletarian parties everywhere grasp the truth and wisdom contained in the above words as they prepare to lead the struggle of the proletariat for its social emancipation. Only the most resolute adherence on their part to the ideological and organisational principles of Marxism Leninism; only the pursuit of Bolshevik revolutionary tactics, combined with the maximum unity in the ranks of the overwhelming majority of the working class, will crown their efforts with success.

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