
The following books are highly recommended. They are priced at £15.00 per hardback copy and £10.00 per paperback copy. Please contact books@cpgb-ml.org if you would like to purchase any of these books.

Harpal Brar: Zionism: A Racist, Antisemitic and Reactionary Tool of Imperialism (£5.00)
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Zionism is not a Jewish project; it is an imperialist construct – an instrument to perpetuate imperialist domination of the middle east. Its main purpose is to ensure continued imperialist control of the region’s oil and gas reserves.
The zionist state of Israel is a dagger aimed at the heart of the Arab people’s revolutionary-democratic movement. At the same time, it has subjugated mentally a large proportion of the world’s Jews – people who were formerly to be found in the front ranks of every democratic and socialist movement. ... read full summary |

Ella Rule: A Class Analysis of Britain at the Start of the 21st Century (£3.50)
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Bourgeois academics, media pundits and figureheads of the counter-revolutionary ‘left’ continue to sow confusing and superficial ideas about class. This propaganda campaign has been so effective as to destroy not just class consciousness and solidarity amongst many workers in Britain, but also the very idea of class itself.
To be effective in building a revolutionary movement in the face of ceaseless efforts by our minority rulers to divide us ... read full summary |

Joti Brar: The Drive to War Against Russia and China
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It cannot have failed to attract the notice of our readers that we are witnessing an increasing drive to war against both Russia and China by our own and other imperialist ruling classes. The first question we have to ask ourselves is: why?
Why do the US and British ruling classes seem so set on war with Russia and China, and what can the working class do to prevent such a cataclysm?
What has the economic crisis of capitalism got to do with it? Why should it be ... read full summary |

Ella Rule: Claudia Jones, Communist (£3.50)
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Claudia Jones' best-known achievement is that she is considered the mother of the Notting Hill Carnival, the biggest carnival in Europe. Some years ago, a stamp was issued in Britain that celebrated her as a 'civil rights activist'. All very respectable, but concealing the fact that, first and foremost, Claudia was a communist.
Having been first jailed and then deported from the USA as an 'alien' (she was born in Trinidad) during the McCarthy anticommunist witch-hunts, Claudia spent ... read full summary |

Harpal Brar: The Soviet Victory Over Fascism (second edition, £5.00)
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The Soviet victory in the second world war shook imperialism to its very foundations.
The war itself was a product of the deep worldwide capitalist crisis of overproduction and of the consequent imperialist rivalry over territories, raw materials and sources of profit.
Meanwhile, following the October Revolution of 1917, a mighty force had been unleashed, as the collective creativity of the Soviet masses was harnessed for the development ... read full summary |

CPGB-ML: World War One: An Interimperialist War to Redivide the World (£5.00)
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VIDEO: Harpal Brar and Ella Rule introduce the book
The first world war was a cataclysmic event that led to a colossal destruction of wealth and the most horrific, industrial-scale slaughter of workers ever seen in mankind’s history.
It was fought by the major imperialist powers in order to determine which powerful countries should control which portions of the world as colonies and spheres of influence, and the heavy price of their forceful redivision was paid by the workers and peasants of Europe and ... read full summary |

Harpal Brar: Inquilab Zindabad, India's Liberation Struggle
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There is a widespread myth spread by bourgeois historians that Ghandi and the Indian National Congress were solely responsible for achieving India's independence from the much-hated British Raj, and that they did it using only the message of non-violence, peaceful non-cooperation and civil disobedience.
The truth is quite the reverse. The heroes of the 1857 revolt, the Ghadar patriots, and Bhagat Singh and his comrades inspired and led the Indian masses in armed struggle as the best means of liberating their country from British colonial occupation.
Many thousands of ordinary ... read full summary |

Harpal Brar and Ella Rule: Imperialism and the Worst-Ever Crisis of Overproduction
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This collection of articles is a sequel to Harpal Brar's 2007 book Imperialism – the Eve of the Socialist Revolution of the Proletariat. In that volume, the author predicted that the recent economic recovery was bound to be followed by a sharp crash.
Sure enough, within three months of the book's publication, the present crisis of overproduction broke out with a virulence never before seen – worse even than the 1929 crash – bringing imperialism's financial institutions to a near meltdown.
This volume traces the origin and progress of this latest and deepest-ever crisis of ... read full summary |

Red Youth: Statement of Aims: We Want Freedom (50p)
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We stand for the control of working people over their own destiny. We understand that to control our own destiny, we need control over wealth in society; how it is produced and how it is distributed.
Since the real social wealth of our society is monopolised by a tiny clique of rich businessmen (capitalist imperialists), who control the major political parties, government policy, state institutions and media, we must work to get rid of the old undemocratic institutions, and form a new system that truly serves the people.
We declare our right to do so in the name of the desperately urgent needs and ... read full summary |

Harpal Brar: Revisionism and the Demise of the USSR (£3.00)
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The period between the 20th and the 22nd congresses of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) witnessed the emergence, formation, growth and systematisation of Khrushchevite revisionism on a number of very important questions of principle, during which period the teachings of Marxism Leninism were subjected to wholesale revision, distortion and downright falsification.
Harpal Brar's 1992 book, Perestroika, concentrated on exposing the economic side ... read full summary |

CPGB-ML: After the Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Israel's Days are Numbered (£3.00)
Early on the morning of Monday 31 May, in international waters some 90 miles from Gaza’s coastline, and in direct contravention of international law and the Geneva conventions, Israeli commandos forcibly boarded a peaceful convoy of aid ships that was headed to Gaza city.
Articles in this pamphlet tell the story of the attack, as well as setting out the consequences for Israeli zionism and for the Palestinian struggle for freedom.
Following the attack on the flotilla, Israel has never been more isolated, in spite of all her weaponry, while, despite the Palestinians' lack of arms, their cause has never been so strong.
The question of Palestinian freedom is not merely an academic or altruistic one for British workers. ... read full summary |

CPGB-ML: Capitalism and Immigration (£3.00)
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The issue of immigration remains the Achilles’ heel of the British working-class movement, just as it was in Marx’s day, when he and Engels noted that the antagonism between Irish and English workers in England was the key to the impotence of the English working-class movement, despite the latter’s high level of organisation.
If we are serious about building a revolutionary movement capable of overthrowing British imperialism, it is imperative that those working within the movement are able to see clearly on this, the most divisive of issues, and are confident in thoroughly ... read full summary |

Harpal Brar: The 1926 British General Strike (£3.00)
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After the defeat of Chartism in the middle of the 19th century, the general strike of 1926 was the most momentous event in the history of the British working class, with tremendous revolutionary potential. However, it was defeated by the combined forces of the British state, the TUC and the Labour Party.
This pamphlet is designed to explain the background to the strike, its actual course and the final betrayal and surrender by the treacherous leadership of the TUC and the Labour Party, as well as the lessons to be drawn from these historic events for our movement today.
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Harpal Brar: Nato's Predatory War Against Yugoslavia (£5.00)
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24 March 2009 marked the tenth anniversary of Nato’s war against Yugoslavia.
Waged in the name of stopping ethnic cleansing, it was an exercise in gigantic ethnic cleansing; waged in the name of stopping genocide, it was a genocidal war against the Yugoslav people; waged in the name of averting humanitarian disaster, it caused the worst humanitarian disaster in Europe since the second world war; waged in the name of democracy and human rights, it was a war to impose puppet regimes in the constituent republics of former Yugoslavia; waged in the name of defending the sovereign rights ... read full summary |

Harpal Brar: Imperialism and War
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Wars waged by imperialism against the people of Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan, and by its Israeli zionist agents against the people of Palestine and Lebanon, are no mere aberrations: they are the product of imperialism.
The worsening market conditions, the credit crunch, the slumping housing market, the plunging stock markets, the bankruptcy of some of the giant financial institutions – which are but symptoms of the crisis of overproduction – are exacerbating all the contradictions of imperialism and driving it to an endless war as the only solution to its incurable crisis. ... read full summary |

CPGB-ML: Party Programme (50p)
You can buy physical copies from us for 50p or download the document as a pdf.... read full summary |

Harpal Brar: Imperialism – the Eve of the Social Revolution of the Proletariat
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Times without number, the bourgeoisie and its ideologues have pronounced Marxism to be dead. Each time such foolish assertions have been made, Marxism has emerged stronger and more relevant than ever before.
The collapse of the USSR and the eastern bloc of socialist countries was once more the occasion for insanely foolish assertions, rising to a crescendo, that Marxism was dead (yet again!) and that capitalism is the eternal future of humanity.
Far from it. It is capitalism which is long past its sell-by date and is staring death in the face.
The contents of this ... read full summary |

Harpal Brar (editor): Chimurenga! The Liberation Struggle in Zimbabwe
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“The struggle against imperialism must be fought and fought in the interests of the masses of Zimbabwe.” (Robert Mugabe)
The material presented in this book tells the story of Zimbabwe's national revolutionary struggle for liberation from the clutches of racism, colonialism and imperialism -- beginning with the armed struggle for independence and culminating in final resolution of the most fundamental question of the liberation struggle, namely, the restoration of the land of Zimbabwe to its people.
Further, it emphasises the necessity for the proletarian revolutionary ... read full summary |

Harpal Brar and Ella Rule: Imperialism in the Middle East
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He who would understand the economics and politics of the middle east from the beginning of the twentieth century must learn to spell, pronounce and really grasp the significance of just one word – OIL.
This single word furnishes the key to an understanding of all the burning questions of war and peace in the area, ranging from the struggle of the leading imperialist powers to carve up the middle east in the aftermath of the first imperialist war to the Arab-Israeli conflict, the war in Lebanon, the Gulf War, the war in the Balkans, and the war in Afghanistan, presently being ... read full summary |

Ella Rule (editor): Marxism and the Emancipation of Women
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"The first premise for the emancipation of women is the reintroduction of the entire female sex into public industry; and ... this again demands that the quality possessed by the individual family of being the economic unit of society be abolished." (F Engels)
"Public dining rooms, creches, kindergartens - these are examples of the shoots, the simple everyday means, which assume nothing pompous, grandiloquent or solemn, but which can in fact emancipate women, which can in fact lessen and abolish their inferiority to men in regard to their role in social production and in social life." ... read full summary |

Harpal Brar: Bourgeois Nationalism or Proletarian Internationalism?
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The question of the fight against racial discrimination is by no means confined to humanitarian considerations. It has far greater and far deeper significance for the working class.
Central to the proletariat’s fight against racism is the recognition that the fight against racism is an integral part of its struggle against capitalism; it is the recognition by the proletariat that in the struggle for its own social emancipation it cannot make any significant advance unless at the same time it wages an uncompromising and relentless struggle against racism, for racism divides, weakens, ... read full summary |

Harpal Brar: Imperialism – Decadent, Parasitic, Moribund Capitalism
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"If geometrical axioms affected human interests, attempts would certainly be made to refute them." (VI Lenin)
The above words of Lenin’s apply, with equal force, to his own thesis on imperialism, which is a further, and brilliant, development of Marxism in the conditions of the latest – monopoly capitalist – stage of capitalism.
Right from its inception, Lenin’s thesis has provoked the most rabid hostility and opposition – on the part of the ideologues of the imperialist bourgeoisie as well as opportunists in the working-class movement – for it has served to ... read full summary |

Harpal Brar: Social Democracy – the Enemy Within
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One of the assertions – an assertion which has acquired the force of a public prejudice – made not only by the left generally, but also, with some honourable exceptions, by that part of it which calls itself communist, is that the Labour party is a party of the British working class, which can be an instrument of socialism in Britain.
The purpose of this book is to demonstrate the utter fallacy of this assertion and, on the contrary, to prove that Labour, throughout its existence, has been an imperialist party – a “bourgeois labour party”, to use Engels’ remarkably ... read full summary |

Harpal Brar: Trotskyism or Leninism?
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One of the myths perpetrated by the Trotskyites, with not inconsiderable help from the imperialist bourgeoisie, is that Leninism and Trotskyism are synonymous, that Trotsky was, after Lenin, the most brilliant and greatest Bolshevik (some even implying that Lenin was a great Trotskyist); that Trotsky was the true inheritor of Leninism and a worthy successor to Lenin, but was, alas, deprived of his rightful place by the cunning manoeuvres of a third-class mediocrity and oriental despot to boot -- ie, Joseph Stalin.
This anti-communist myth, repeated ad nauseam decade after decade in ... read full summary |

Harpal Brar: Perestroika – the Complete Collapse of Revisionism
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In this short work, the author pursues two aims.
First, to explain the completely bourgeois and anti-Marxist-Leninist essence of the Gorbachev reforms, launched under the twin policies of Perestroika and Glasnost, allegedly for the purpose of renewing and strengthening socialism, which led to the collapse of socialism in the once mighty USSR.
Second, to explain, by reference to the wholesale revision, and downright distortion, of Marxism Leninism in the fields of political economy, philosophy and class struggle committed by the CPSU under the influence of Khrushchevite ... read full summary |