
Leaflets issued by the CPGB-ML can be found here
No to slavery! No to Nato! African lives matter! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 03 December 2017]

We believe that all people are created equal – yet around the world today our brothers and sisters are in chains. Our souls cry out in anger and pain when we see slave markets reborn in Libya in the 21st century.
How has humanity arrived at this shameful and humiliating place?
We believe that the colour of a person’s skin should have no more significance than the colour of their eyes. Yet the country we are born in, the economic position of our parents and the colour of our skin – events of accident, of chance – profoundly affect the life chances and life expectancy of all human beings on our planet today.
How can this be? And how can we bring reality into accord with our ...
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Viva Venezuela: end the media bias (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 21 August 2017]

Following the election of Commandante Hugo Chávez as president in 1999, and the failure of US imperialism’s attempts to overthrow him or his successor, Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela has enjoyed 17 years of wealth redistributions, as the country’s oil revenue has been used to benefit the masses, considerably improving the lot of the poor.
As a result, the percentage of households in poverty fell from 55 percent in 1995 to 26.4% in 2009. When Comrade Chávez was sworn into office, unemployment was 15%; by June 2009 it was 7.8%.
A huge variety of social programmes to educate and provide for working-class Venezuelans were implemented during this time, and ordinary people were ...
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Housing: a crisis of capitalism (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 24 June 2017]

The horrific fire at Grenfell Tower in London, which has killed so many working-class people, demonstrates the terrible reality of housing in Britain today.
In the capital’s richest borough, with house prices over 38 times the average annual salary, people ultimately died because flammable cladding cost the borough and construction companies just a few thousand less.
The unnecessary cladding, which would have made residents’ fuel bills marginally cheaper, had the effect of prettifying the tower for the surrounding neighbourhood of luxury properties, and raising the value of nearby council-owned land.
Kensington and Chelsea council spent £8.6m on the ‘refurbishment’ of the ...
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Time to face it: capitalism must go! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 27 April 2017]

Despite the misleadership of trade union and Labour party leaders, whose loyalty to imperialism makes them desperate to stop us coming together to resist cuts and war in any meaningful way, working people are increasingly angry at the austerity measures being demanded by the capitalist class.
The bosses’ government wants workers to save capitalism by sacrificing ourselves, our grandparents and our children at the altar of free-market fundamentalism.
In 2011 we saw pension strikes, student revolts, direct actions, youth uprisings and the Occupy movement – all signs of the anger of the working class. “Can’t pay, won’t pay” was the slogan that was heard on many workers’ ...
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Save our NHS (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 13 March 2017]

Britain’s National Health Service strives to provide excellent care to all, from the cradle to the grave, free at the point of use, regardless of ability to pay. This outstanding achievement is lauded and appreciated by workers, but our love for the NHS is not shared by the capitalists and their political puppets, because, by denying opportunities for profit-taking, it’s ‘bad for business’.
[b]Engineering a crisis[/b]
Following decades of sustained attack by successive governments, cracks in the system are rapidly expanding. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 aimed to finally dismember the NHS by removing the government’s statutory responsibility to provide care, and by ...
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Trump ... the loose cannon on the imperialist deck (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 03 February 2017]

[b]Capitalism is in crisis[/b]
Shocking his party, the US media and most of America’s ruling class, Donald Trump, business tycoon and media personality, secured the Republican party’s candidature, won the 2016 presidential election, and has now been inaugurated as ‘the leader of the free world’.
There is no doubt that Trump is racist, sexist and intolerant in the extreme, which, in part, explains why he was able to become president – a post only accessible to those who are willing to be complicit in the crimes of the US ruling class. What causes such outrage from the media, rival politicians, and his fellow billionaires is that he has [i]no tact[/i] whilst implementing the ...
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What more can we do for Palestine? (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 21 January 2017]

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign is an effective campaigner in support of the Palestinian people, who have been robbed of their country, land, homes and wellbeing; and who have either been reduced to the status of second-class non-citizens within apartheid Israel and the Occupied Territories or subjected to a state of permanent siege in Gaza, where they are regularly subjected to bombing raids; and who in Israel and the West Bank are regularly subjected to land seizures for building settlements that are illegal even by the standards of the UN, benign though it is in its dealings with fascist Israel; and who are also routinely subjected to collective punishments that are illegal under ...
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Farewell Comrade Fidel Castro. Eternal glory to you! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 05 December 2016]

On 25 November 2016, Comrade Fidel Castro, the inspirer of the Cuban revolution, died, aged 90. The Cuban people marked nine days of mourning, and the whole country – young and old, black and white – was gripped by sadness and deep emotion at the passing away of their iconic leader.
In 1951, Fulgencio Batista staged a coup d’état in the small island nation of Cuba, suspending the constitution and blocking the way to all peaceful means for bringing about change on the island, which continued to be run by criminal gangs and US corporations. Most of the nation’s resources had been sold to foreigners – principally to American capitalists – and the Cuban people found themselves ...
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Yes to Brexit; No to xenophobia (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 10 November 2016]

The recent Brexit vote delivered a splendid blow by workers against British imperialism. Unfortunately, many of those who voted for it were influenced by the cancerous xenophobia that presently affects some sections of the British proletariat.
This nasty and highly-publicised aspect of the Brexit campaign led many decent people to vote to remain in the EU, simply to avoid being tainted by association. In doing so, however, they were associating with an even [i]greater[/i] evil – the murderous, warmongering, exploitative, oppressive – and, indeed, xenophobic – interests of imperialism.
The CPGB-ML is as resolutely opposed to the European Union as it is to xenophobia, both of ...
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Could Corbyn cure the crisis? (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 08 September 2016]

The right-wing majority of the parliamentary Labour party (PLP) is seeking to overthrow the party’s left-wing leader, Jeremy Corbyn, having been desperate to ditch him ever since he won the 2015 leadership contest by a landslide.
Until recently, the PLP and the trade unions always decided on new leaders between themselves, but rule changes now mean that individual members and registered supporters have the final say. Since the majority of ordinary party members have shown that they are pinning their hopes on [i]left[/i] social democracy to find solutions to austerity, privatisation, unemployment and war, anybody who hopes to replace Corbyn as leader is forced to use left-sounding ...
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British workers need a Brexit! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 27 April 2016]

“[i]Temporary agreements[/i] are possible between capitalists and between states ... a United States of Europe is possible as an agreement between the European capitalists ... but to what end? Only for the purpose of [i]jointly suppressing socialism[/i] in Europe ... under capitalism, a United States of Europe would signify [i]an organisation of reaction[/i].” (Our emphasis)
Although there have been many changes in the century since Lenin wrote these words, the essence remains the same: [i]a union of imperialist states can only be a reactionary entity – and it can’t last[/i].
For those of us who enjoy interacting with other peoples and cultures, and who identify with workers ...
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How can we save our steel? (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 03 February 2016]

Thousands of steel workers’ jobs are being axed across the country. First, the liquidation of Sahaviriya Steel Industries (SSI) UK led to the closure of the company’s site in Redcar, Teeside, with the devastating loss of 2,200 jobs. The Redcar plant had been operating under various ownerships for 98 years.
Soon after, Caparo went into administration, announcing over 300 job losses in the West Midlands and cuts in Hartlepool and Wales. Then Tata Steel announced 1,200 job cuts in Scunthorpe and Lanarkshire and another 750 at Port Talbot.
With a further 100 jobs now on the line at Sheffield Forgemasters, more than a sixth of Britain’s remaining steel industry workers have lost ...
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Save our NHS! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 02 February 2016]

Britain’s National Health Service provides excellent care to all, from the cradle to the grave, free at the point of use, regardless of ability to pay.
This outstanding achievement is lauded and appreciated by workers, but our love for the NHS is not shared by our rulers, because, by denying opportunities for profit-taking, it’s ‘bad for business’.
[b]Engineering a crisis[/b]
Following decades of sustained attack by successive governments, cracks in the system are now showing.
The Health and Social Care Act 2011 aimed to finally dismember the NHS by removing the government’s statutory responsibility to provide care, and by compelling small groups of fund-holding GPs ...
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Black and white: unite and fight (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 25 July 2015]

[b]Destroying workers’ power[/b]
In order to keep the obscenely unequal imperialist system in place, and to preserve their tremendous wealth and power, the billionaire capitalist class has become very experienced at dividing the oppressed.
Racism is used to make us redirect the anger and frustration that [i]should[/i] be focused on the capitalist system at our fellow workers.
The job of bourgeois political parties is to protect the interests of the exploiting class. That’s why they turn a blind eye to the pollution of the planet, send working-class kids to die in predatory wars over resources and markets, and push wages down as far as possible.
The drive for a cheaper ...
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Labour, Tory same old story ... Join the class struggle! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 20 June 2015]

In the aftermath of what was presented by many as a ‘Tory landslide’, a groundswell of dismay greeted the 2015 election result. From quarters where well-meaning, better-off workers have been fooled into thinking that electing Labour will be Britain’s path out of austerity, much hand-wringing and agonising is now the order of the day.
But while it may be discouraging to see workers voting for openly right-wing parties, we should note that only 22 percent of adults voted Tory (37 percent of voters) and another 7.5 percent (12.5 percent of voters) voted Ukip. Moreover, 40 percent of adults did not vote at all, despite a massive national voter registration drive.
Meanwhile, ...
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No votes for austerity, racism or war. Join the class struggle! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 01 April 2015]

With seemingly endless media coverage of the forthcoming election, it is difficult not to get swept along by the hyperbole into believing that every matter of interest to workers is going to be decided on 7 May.
[b]Parliament vs class struggle[/b]
The prejudice that parliament is the place where all the important decisions are taken and from which the country is run goes very deep. After all, our rulers have had several centuries to inculcate us with that belief.
But, as was revealed long ago by Marx and Engels, ‘democracy’ is not an abstract or neutral concept, but a class question – so that one has always to ask: ‘[i]Democracy for whom?[/i]’
The capitalist state, ...
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Britain out of Nato; Nato out of the Donbass! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 19 March 2015]

The British army, fresh from participating in provocative Nato ‘exercises’ in Ukraine, is now going back in, in a supposedly ‘advisory’ capacity.
This brings Britain into lockstep with the US, which is due to begin its own ‘training exercises’ there shortly, and highlights the frustration of anglo-american imperialism over the repeated failure of its fascist proxies in Kiev to bring Ukraine lock stock and barrel under imperialist control.
Meanwhile, contradictions are growing within the imperialist camp itself. Germany and France have refused to send lethal weaponry to Kiev and given only lukewarm support to further sanctions against Russia – a trade partner which they ...
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End benefit sanctions ... sack Maximus; sack capitalism! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 19 March 2015]

US private healthcare company Maximus has been hired to follow in the footsteps of the now infamous French firm Atos after being contracted by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) to carry out Work Capability Assessments (WCAs) on people receiving sickness and disability benefits.
‘Assessments’ consist of an interview with one of the firm’s employees (no medical training required) and a quick computerised test. On the basis of such ‘evidence’, thousands of sick and disabled people have been ruled ‘fit to work’ in the last two years, and have had their benefits substantially reduced or stripped away entirely.
Pre-assessment questionnaires are tailored towards ...
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Trotskyism is a tool of the capitalists ... Leninism is a weapon for the workers! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 27 October 2014]

[b]What is Trotskyism?[/b]
This claims that socialism can only be successful if revolution occurs [i]in all the advanced capitalist countries at once[/i]; and that all attempts at building socialism in a single country that has carried out a successful revolution are [i]bound to fail[/i].
Since this [i]hypothetical[/i] simultaneous revolution has so far failed to materialise in real life (and is unlikely ever to do so), this position simply means that Trotskyists always end up [i]denouncing all the real revolutions[/i] that have taken place, and furiously attacking any country that has not only carried out a revolution but actually had the ...
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Victory to the Doncaster care workers! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 25 October 2014]

With the completion of their most recent three-week strike on 20 October, the Doncaster care workers have now notched up a total of 90 strike days – the longest in the history of the NHS.
It is high time that Britain’s union leaders stopped obsessing about trying to get Labour elected in 2015, recognised that the Doncaster workers are fighting on the front line now against the privatisation of the NHS, and started pulling out their members en masse in solidarity action – regardless of the existence of a plethora of anti-union laws installed by the Tories and [i]lovingly preserved by Labour[/i].
[b]Looting the NHS: Don’t Care UK[/b]
The 50-odd workers on strike, forcibly ...
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You’ve got to be RED to be Green! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 21 September 2014]

Three major challenges face humanity today: poverty, war and the destruction of the environment.
[b]Climate change[/b]
Some climate change is now unavoidable, but, with preparation and adaptation, the worst of the disaster can still be averted. We need to implement methods of farming that do not add to global warming and find strategies for food production that will stand up to more extreme weather patterns.
Sea defences must be built and populations that are at risk of losing their homes relocated. Most urgently of all, we need to establish energy sources that don’t emit carbon.
While most of the green lobby is agreed that alternatives such as wind, solar, tide, hydroelectric etc ...
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Disband the neo-Nazi Nato alliance! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 30 August 2014]

Nato was founded in 1949 to unite and centralise the military-political power of western imperialism under the leadership and domination of the US (which had emerged from WW2 as the strongest imperialist power) – as a weapon to intimidate the USSR and other European socialist countries.
In [i]response[/i] to the integration of West Germany into Nato in 1955, and seeing through Nato’s obviously aggressive designs, the USSR and other east European socialist countries founded the Warsaw Pact on 14 May 1955 – as a defensive bulwark against imperialist military threats.
Although it was formed much earlier, the lying propaganda of the Nato countries asserted to its peoples that Nato ...
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Hands off Ukraine! Hands off Russia! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 21 August 2014]

As we mark the 100th anniversary of the start of World War 1, events are unfolding in Europe that portend the start of an inexorable march towards another major war.
In 1914, declining imperialist powers Britain, Russia and France went to war against a vigorous upstart competitor in the hopes that by crushing imperialist Germany, they could maintain their power and global domination. In 2014, the declining forces are the imperialist powers of the US, the EU and Japan, while China and Russia are the most important targets of their attempts to save their rotting and decadent system.
China is being targeted because it still has a socialist base and has a super-competitive economy, and ...
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Stand with Gaza ... Join the axis of resistance! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 05 August 2014]

[b]Massacre in Gaza[/b]
Throughout Ramadan 2014 and beyond, while muslims fasted, the world’s people looked on in horror as Israel’s intensification of the genocide of Palestinians escalated into a hideous bloodbath.
While Israelis have justified these crimes to others with lies about ‘defending themselves from terrorism’, the discourse of zionists among themselves paints a far more telling picture.
Seven years of inhuman blockade have been openly described by Israeli officials as “putting Gaza on a diet” and keeping its economy “on the brink of collapse”.
After the killing of three teenage settlers (shipped in from New York and elsewhere to illegally colonise ...
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Workers have the power to end this crisis! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 01 May 2014]

The working class does not march in [i]protest[/i] on May Day, but to declare our [i]power[/i] to organise ourselves behind our own class ideology – scientific socialism.
We are not ‘speaking truth to power’ but asserting that we [i]already have the power[/i] to overturn the tyranny of capital over labour. All that is lacking is the organisation needed to [i]use[/i] it.
It is, of course, vital to oppose the destruction of the welfare state, the closure of factories, the slashing of benefits, the massacre of jobs, the freezing of wages, the undermining of pensions, the imposition of zero-hours contracts, the instigation of new wars and all the ‘austerity’ measures driven by the ...
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No cooperation with capitalist austerity! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 22 September 2013]

The biggest programme of cuts and privatisation in welfare and public spending since the second word war is well underway, and starting to have serious, even fatal, consequences for ordinary people.
[b]Slashing social provision [/b]
Suicide rates among the unemployed are climbing, councils are starting to implement the much-reviled bedroom tax, disabled people are dying as a result of losing benefits, and debt, poverty and homelessness are about to spiral massively.
[i]Every single member of the working class[/i] can expect to be affected by this all-out attack, which will blight our lives [i]from the cradle to the grave[/i]!
Child benefit, educational grants, family ...
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The People’s Assembly must beware the Grand Old Dukes of York! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 22 June 2013]

We are in the midst of the [i]deepest ever crisis of capitalism[/i] – worse than the one that sparked the 1930s’ great depression and WWII.
Although it burst into the public eye as a banking crash in 2008, this is in fact another [i]overproduction[/i] crisis of the type identified by Marx in his great work, [i]Capital[/i].
Now, our rulers are trying to save their collapsing system [i]by transferring thousands of billions of dollars of wealth from the working class to the robber barons of finance capital[/i]. While the vast majority are being squeezed ever harder, a few super-rich billionaires are making record profits. Oxfam recently pointed out that the world’s richest 100 ...
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Ground the drones; no cooperation with British war crimes! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 27 April 2013]

Since Nato invaded Afghanistan in 2001, unmanned drones have gone from being an untried technology to a primary means of warfare.
The US now operates 7,500 drones, and 40 other countries are buying or developing similar vehicles.
British pilots have operated thousands of missions over Afghanistan and Libya from US bases, and now Britain’s first homegrown drone base has become operational, with pilots at RAF Waddington in Lincoln flying armed Reaper drone missions over Afghanistan.
As a mass hunger strike by inmates brings Guantánamo back into the media spotlight once again, it is instructive to note that the imperialists’ chosen method of terror and intimidation has shifted ...
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Axe the tax! Let the rich pay for their crisis!
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 28 March 2013]

[b]Blaming the poor for poverty[/b]
When the Bedroom Tax comes into force on 1 April, 14 percent will be cut from housing benefit for households with one ‘spare’ bedroom and 25 percent from those with two or more.
An estimated 660,000 working-age social tenants across the country will be hit, losing an average of £14-16 per week, and facing the stark choice of moving home or being forced into even deeper poverty. Evictions and debt levels will skyrocket.
In order to justify this move, politicians and journalists have been spinning a fairy tale of housing ‘shortages’, but it is actually one- and two-bed flats that are in short supply, so where are people supposed to ...
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Save the NHS from capitalist greed! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 04 March 2013]

In July 2010, barely two months after a general election campaign in which the Tories promised “no more top-down reorganisations of the NHS”, Health Secretary Andrew Lansley announced the new government’s plans for the biggest restructuring of the NHS since its foundation in 1948.
Yet such bare-faced contempt for the British public profoundly misjudged the fact that these days, with disillusionment with mainstream politics at record levels, only the pathologically naïve would fail to see the Health and Social Care Bill 2011 for what it really is: the final outright privatisation of the NHS.
There has been a huge upsurge of popular opposition to the proposals, with inspired ...
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Act together to stop war ... Join the axis of resistance! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 16 February 2013]

[b]Ten years on – where are we?[/b]
A decade has passed since 2 million people demonstrated in London against the invasion of Iraq. Those who marched on 15 February 2003 felt inspired, almost sensing our strength – the slumbering [i]power[/i] of the working masses. But what was our [i]programme[/i]? Where was the really [i]disciplined unity[/i]? How were we to [i]implement[/i] our goal?
Even as we filed past parliament, the Labour government – content that we posed no threat – was laying invasion plans, and dismissing the significance of this huge demonstration. A month later, British troops were in Iraq. Ten years on, 4 million Iraqis are dead and 6 million are refugees. What ...
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Support Palestine ... Join the axis of resistance! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 26 January 2013]

[b]Imperialism in the Middle East[/b]
In order to make sense of what goes on in the Middle East, we need to understand that today’s world is dominated by a handful of superrich countries, which have become wealthy by looting resources and exploiting people all over the world.
Britain, the first country to develop capitalism was also the first to grab a modern empire.
In the 19th century, Arabia was dismissed as being a barren wasteland, but in the early 20th century, vast oil deposits were discovered under the desert – just around the time that oil was becoming the fuel of choice for many modern machines (including warships!) and industries.
Suddenly, the rush to secure ...
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Defend Syria and Iran ... Join the axis of resistance! (pdf)
 [issued by on 26 November 2012]

A murderous war against the Syrian people is being waged by an unholy alliance of foreign death squads and Syrian terrorists. These gangsters have no popular support, but get their funding from western imperialist states – either directly or via imperialism’s regional puppets in Turkey and the Gulf monarchies. Their truly barbaric and anti-people essence is revealed in their calls for a Nato air war against Syria’s civilian population.
Despite the seriousness of the situation, and the urgent need for British workers to organise to [i]obstruct[/i] and [i]sabotage[/i] this criminal war, many leaders in Britain’s anti-war movement have chosen to focus [i]only[/i] on the threatened ...
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Victory to the intifada! Join the axis of resistance! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 24 November 2012]

The CPGB-ML sends a red salute to the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, whose courage against enormous odds is an inspiration to the oppressed masses of the world. We denounce the massacre unfolding there (136 Palestinians slaughtered and 941 wounded in eight days) whilst the supposed guardians of international law at the UN sit on their hands and reactionaries everywhere point the finger of blame, not at oppression and state terror, but at those who resist it.
[b]A new wave of resistance [/b]
‘Operation Pillar of Defence’ is gruesomely reminiscent of 2008’s ‘Operation Cast Lead’, with the same massacre of men, women and children, the same zionist lies regurgitated by the BBC, ...
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No cooperation with war crimes in Syria. Join the axis of resistance! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 14 September 2012]

Despite the money, arms and mercenary thugs being provided to Syrian terror groups, and even while under imminent threat of an all-out external air war, the progressive government in Damascus is still managing to deal very effectively with the Nato-organised insurgency on its soil.
Video footage on the internet shows Syrian troops being greeted as heroes and liberators by those who have had to endure temporary occupation by Nato’s gangs, while the survivors consistently describe a hotch-potch of accents and languages being used by their tormentors, thus giving the lie twice over to imperialism’s propaganda myth of a homegrown ‘popular uprising’.
With all diplomatic options ...
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Ditch Labour to fight the cuts! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 09 June 2012]

Addressing strikers on 10 May, Bob Crow had this to say: “We should be taking action across Britain today; not just PCS, UCU and the other unions, but [i]everyone[/i] taking action. We should be turning back the tide. The rest of the trade-union movement has got to start waking up. The next trade-union day of action, which I understand is going to be called in October, needs to be a 24-hour strike against the effects of austerity. We need the entire trade-union movement to link up.”
Few who call themselves socialists could disagree with this heartfelt cry, but if passionate exhortation were all that were needed to unify and mobilise workers for a serious struggle against the cuts, we ...
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Forget the jubilee, join the revolution! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 01 June 2012]

The present fawning coverage of the Queen’s diamond jubilee is but the latest example of an increasingly fever-pitched barrage of pro-royalist propaganda throughout the British media.
In one obsequious article written last year, the [i]Guardian[/i]’s Dominic Sandbrook breathlessly noted that “[i]the ... striking thing [about the royal wedding was] ... the almost total absence of anti-monarchical sentiment[/i]”. But as one online commenter put it: “[i]How would we know? The only sentiment [u]allowed[/u] to be expressed in the media was pro-monarchical.[/i]”
Despite the impression given by the media, however, opinion polls tell us that around 20 percent of Britons would ...
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Hands of Syria! Victory to Assad! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 19 May 2012]

As the leaders of the Nato imperialist alliance meet for their Chicago summit, the question of how to step up the all but declared war against Syria and its progressive government is doubtless high on the agenda.
For 15 months, this heroic and dignified Arab nation has faced a relentless campaign of destabilisation, ranging from media demonisation and crippling sanctions to terrorist bombings that have targeted civilians and the military alike, backed by imperialist special forces and other foreign aggressors.
In the face of this onslaught, the latest instalment of the imperialist blitzkrieg that has already laid waste to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other states in the region, the ...
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Hands off Somalia
Victory to the Resistance!
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 28 April 2012]

The deeper imperialism sinks into crisis, the more desperately it takes to the path of war.
In its struggle to dominate all markets, especially energy markets, imperialism strives to suppress any expression of national independence that interferes with its ability to exploit. Meanwhile, rivalries are mounting between the imperialist gangs themselves – rivalries that will ultimately end in war. The exploiters cannot help turning to war to solve their problems. Yet when they do, they end up increasing the forces of resistance that will finally overthrow their bloodthirsty system.
The drive to war is particularly pronounced in Africa, that continent so wealthy in resources and so ...
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Labour, Tory, same old story; fight ALL capitalist cuts! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 30 November 2011]

Since Chancellor Osborne’s October 2010 spending review was announced, the imposition of austerity measures has crept ahead like a car crash in slow motion.
This concerted attack on the living standards of the majority, so necessary for the tiny minority whose wealth, power and status depend on exploiting the labour of others, threatens to heap ever more intolerable burdens onto the backs of working people.
Everything is coming under the hammer: jobs, pensions, benefits, the NHS. Yet most unions – organisations that are supposed to defend the rights of workers against capitalist exploitation – have stood by as if mesmerised.
Whilst it [i]talked[/i] of coordinating a ...
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Who stole our future? (pdf)
 [issued by Red Youth on 22 October 2011]

[link href="/download/leaflets/RYprospects_20111022_print.pdf"]Print this leaflet at home[/link]
Why aren’t there any decent jobs? Why is it getting so expensive to go to college or university? Why is the future looking so bleak for young people? It’s natural to start asking these kinds of questions and to start getting angry with the usual answers.
Whatever part of the country you live in, the problems are the same. Unemployment and poverty appear to be the future for the poor, while the children of the rich get to live a life of luxury. Britain is the sixth wealthiest country in the world, so why is it that only a small section of the population has all the money, all the ...
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Celebrate the October Revolution (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 12 October 2011]

Saturday 5 November 2011, 6.00pm
Saklatvala Hall, Dominion Rd, Southall UB2 5AA
[b]Film: [i]Stalin Speech[/i] [/b]
Joseph Stalin addressing military parade in Moscow on the 24th anniversary of the October Revolution, when the German fascist army was at the gates of the city in 1941.
[b]Speakers include:[/b]
[b]Harpal Brar [/b] Chair, CPGB-ML
[b]Jamie Sokolowski [/b]Red Youth
[b]Solidarity Messages[/b] from international guests and fraternal organisations
[b]Cultural programme
Food and drink[/b]
The great October Revolution of 1917 is by far the most progressive event in human history.
It ushered in the era of the downfall of imperialism and the victory of ...
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Support Libya’s resistance; denounce StW treachery (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 15 September 2011]

The Libyan people have put up a heroic resistance against Nato’s six-month-long blitzkrieg, remaining steadfast despite sustained attack from the best-equipped military forces on earth, all deployed in support of a rag-tag band of terrorists and agents seeking to undo the gains of the revolution.
Fidel Castro pointed out in April that the “[i]crude attacks against the Libyan people, which have taken on a Nazi-fascist character, may be used against any third-world nation … If Gaddafi resists … he will enter history as one of the great figures of the Arab nations. [/i]”
Having held out this long in the face of overwhelming odds, Gaddafi has already earned that place. ...
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Nationalisation of the railways will not be achieved without a fight! (updated) (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 16 August 2011]

Nationalisation and capitalism
Under capitalism, there are certain industries that, in the interests of the capitalist class as a whole, are generally best nationalised, as they need to provide a service that will not be jeopardised in the interests of profitability. This is why railways were nationalised in the first place.
But nationalisation also has its down side as far as capitalism is concerned, since parts of the industry would be extremely lucrative if they were in private hands. When the system is in crisis, and capitalists are desperately looking for profitable opportunities, the clamour of demands to be allowed to pick the cherries off the publicly-owned ...
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Libya: eye witness account (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 18 June 2011]

Friday 24 June 2011, 7.00pm
Marchmont Community Centre, London WC1N 1AB
Imperialism is waging war against the Libyan people. Waged on the pretext of the right to protect Libyan civilians, this war is causing massive civilian casualties.
While pretending to uphold the principles of humanitarianism, rule of law, democracy and freedom, the Nato powers are waging a brutal predatory war for the subjugation of the Libyan people, the looting of their mineral wealth, and for the domination of the entire region, stretching from North Africa, through the Middle East, to Afghanistan and Central Asia.
The working class of Britain, Europe and the US must fulfil its proletarian ...
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Stop the War's dirty role in the criminal war against Libya (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 11 May 2011]

Since the start of the Libyan crisis, the conduct of the Stop the War Coalition (StW) has been both shameful and scandalous.
While an armed counter-revolutionary opposition rose up against the Libyan government, and imperialist butchers sharpened their knives in readiness for a massive assault on the country, the disgraceful coterie who run StW organised a demonstration - not against imperialism and its mercenaries in Benghazi, but against the Gaddafi government!
Following the launch of imperialist air attacks on Libya, the StW leadership hurried to change its tactics. It declared its opposition (in words) to the imperialist bombing campaign - [i]not[/i] because it was unjust and ...
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Bradlaugh contra Marx: radicalism vs socialism in the First International (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 10 April 2011]

A talk by Deborah Lavin
Saturday 30 April 2011, 6.00pm
Saklatvala Hall, Southall
Dominion Road, off Featherstone Road, UB2 5AA
Marx's battles in the First International with the Mazzinistas and the Bakunistas are well documented and discussed, but Marx's struggles with British radicals have had little attention from historians.
Yet from the first within the London-based General Council of the IWMA, there was a fierce struggle fought between Marx and his followers and the 'moderate' class collaborationists (most of them trade union leaders), who essentially were just calling on capitalists to be kinder to the working class.
Charles Bradlaugh, famous 'radical' in his own ...
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No to ALL capitalist cuts; break the link with Labour! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 26 March 2011]

The decision of the TUC to invite Labour leader Ed Miliband to speak on the platform on 26 March is a slap in the face for the working class and should be condemned by all who are serious about building a [i]real[/i] anti-cuts resistance movement.
Even [i]before[/i] the well-deserved collapse of Labour at the last elections the labour aristocrats were busy painting Labour in pretty colours. [i]Labour[/i]'s cuts, they sighed, whilst regrettable, were largely unavoidable, and in any case preferable to Tory cuts. Ditto Labour's union bashing, Labour's privatisation rampage and Labour's genocidal wars.
With Labour out of office, the leadership election was the next burning question of ...
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Tunisia and Egypt rise up: victory to the Arab peoples' intifada! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 01 February 2011]

In developments of great magnitude, wrote Marx, "[i]twenty years are no more than a day – though later on days may come again in which twenty years are embodied[/i]".
The current revolutionary struggles in Tunisia and Egypt furnish yet more proof of the correctness of this profound observation. Before the events of recent weeks, both Tunisia and Egypt presented an outward image of calm serenity. Their dictatorial governments felt secure, and the masses gave the appearance of having reconciled themselves to their fate under the suffocating dispensation of each regime.
[b]Condition of the people[/b]
Both regimes were notorious for the application of brutality and medieval torture; ...
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Build the shop stewards’ network; break the link with Labour! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 22 January 2011]

The sudden eruption of the student revolt at the close of 2010 did much to change the political climate in Britain, posing a real threat to the defeatism with which the labour aristocracy infects popular reaction to the cuts.
[b]Students show the way[/b]
Whilst Chancellor Osborne's spending review in October had sparked angry local demonstrations and a London march organised by the National Shop Stewards' Network (NSSN) and the RMT, the only gesture in the direction of leadership from the TUC was the promise to have a bit of a demo in March.
With the firemen's dispute on hold and Transport House telling everyone to bide their time and wait for the spring, the scene seemed set ...
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Fight fuel poverty! Fight capitalism! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 20 December 2010]

As capitalist Britain spirals deeper into crisis, the curse of poverty spreads wider and deeper, taking ever nastier forms.
One kind of poverty has in recent years been sanitised with a fancy new name in social-work circles: 'fuel poverty'. If a family has to spend more than 10 percent of its income on heating, it is said to be 'fuel poor'; if the slice is more than 20 percent, then the family then officially enters 'extreme fuel poverty'. How much better is capitalism at cataloguing problems than at solving them!
For the 5 million plus families in Britain finding it impossible to heat their homes, the matter is more succinctly expressed: 'Heat or Eat'.
Across the UK, one in six ...
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Stop the war says: no cooperation with war crimes (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 20 November 2010]

The motion below was overwhelmingly endorsed by delegates to the recent Stop the War national conference.
We believe that the programme of action outlined in it is both necessary and achieveable. The next step is to get to work and carry it out.
We therefore call on all anti-imperialists and anti-war campaigners to give it the widest possible circulation in order to generate discussion and to mobilise support for this important work. Talk to your local anti-war groups and let the national Stop the War office know if you're ready to help with putting on meetings, fundraising, press campaigning etc.
Individually, we may be powerless, but together, we [i]do[/i] have the power to stop ...
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Cuban patriots and communists; Free the Miami Five! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 19 October 2010]

On 6 October 1976, CIA agents of Cuban and Venezuelan origin blew up a Cubana Airways jet in mid-flight, with 73 people on board. Among the passengers – all of whom were killed – were the Cuban youth fencing team, a group of Guyanese students setting out for Cuba to begin studying medicine and five North Korean citizens who were on a friendship tour of Latin America.
Of the many US-sponsored terrorist acts against socialist Cuba, this remains the most famous and the single most bloody in terms of its outcome.
Ever since the victory of the Cuban revolution on New Year's Day, 1959, US imperialism has had its sights set on re-establishing its stranglehold on the rebel island. To ...
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Labour is still blocking our resistance; break the link! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 03 October 2010]

[b]Brave words at the TUC[/b]
In a sign that the slumbering giant of organised labour might at last be stirring, the TUC has been instructed to coordinate union campaigns and industrial action against the coming cuts.
The motion which won an uneasy consensus at the 2010 TUC conference in Manchester was strong on pious aspirations but weak on specific commitments, however. After all, who could disagree that there should be “[i]a broad solidarity alliance of unions and communities under threat[/i]”? The real question is what that should mean in practice.
Should the alliance really have as its main focus the organising of “[i]a national demonstration, lobby of parliament and ...
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'Fair' cuts? NO cuts! Take the fight to capitalism! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 12 September 2010]

Capitalism is embarking on a major class war offensive against living standards in Britain. This needs to be met by a determined counter-offensive from the working class.
[b]To be snatched from the pockets of the poor[/b]
There are to be £113bn of spending cuts and tax increases over the next four years, with £11bn coming off state welfare alone.
The 7 percent cut in housing benefit will leave 750,000 under threat of homelessness, and the inflation index by which state benefits are calculated will now exclude housing costs.
VAT, a tax on the poor, is going up to 20 percent whilst Child Benefit is to be frozen.
The vaunted 'ring-fencing' of the health budget is more ...
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Long live the martyrs of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 07 June 2010]

Before dawn on Monday 31 May, in international waters some 90 miles from Gaza’s coastline, Israeli commandos forcibly boarded a peaceful convoy of aid ships that was headed to Gaza city.
Exact numbers are still not known, but at least nine, and possibly as many as 20 volunteers aboard the main ship, the [i]Mavi Marmara[/i], were murdered by Israeli forces, who used live fire against the people on board. Dozens more were wounded and all passengers were then abducted to prisons in Israel.
The 800 volunteers trying to deliver 10,000 tonnes of vital aid to Gaza were from 40 countries and included parliamentarians, journalists, women, children and the elderly. Forty-two members of the ...
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Celebrate the life of Ho Chi Minh (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 13 May 2010]

Saturday 22 May 2010, 6.00pm
Saklatvala Hall, Dominion Road, off Featherstone Road, Southall, UB2 5AA
Speakers include Bui Duc Minh, First Secretary of the Vietnamese Embassy,
and Len Aldis, Secretary of the Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society.
It is the 120th anniversary of the birth of Ho Chi Minh. He led the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Vietnamese people in a long and difficult struggle for national liberation and unification of the country.
Under his leadership, the small country of Vietnam threw out Japanese and French imperialism and then inflicted on US imperialism a very ignominious defeat.
This year also marks the 35th anniversary of the final rout of US ...
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Don't vote for bourgeois parties; join the fight against capitalism! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML and MLCP on 01 May 2010]

1 May 2010 sees the working-class masses all over the world standing on the brink of a serious confrontation with the imperialist ruling classes of the US, Europe and Japan.
The economic crisis of the whole capitalist system, which has slowly been building up steam since the 1970s, has finally proved impossible to contain. In 2007, the world was plunged into a world banking crisis and credit crunch that have been more devastating in their consequences on people's lives, livelihoods and wellbeing than any earthquake or tsunami - and the worst is still to come.
1 May 2010 is taking place just before a general election that will decide who will govern Britain on behalf of its capitalist ...
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Free the Gaza protestors! Jail the warmongers! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 28 March 2010]

When Israel launched yet another predatory assault upon Gaza’s defenceless civilian population a year ago, it triggered a worldwide wave of militant anti-zionist protest.
The death toll rose to 1,434, there was deliberate targeting and near total destruction of the already strained civilian infrastructure, including water and sewage works, hospitals and ambulance services, schools, houses and a UN warehouse where much of the food for the 1.5 million imprisoned Gazans was stored.
In spite of all attempts to spin the media, the glaring evidence of brutality had even conservative observers accusing Israel’s army of war crimes. Gerald Kaufman (Labour MP and long-time ‘friend of ...
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Defend public services: fight capitalism! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 25 March 2010]

It is very good that workers should mobilise in defence of public services. To carry our struggle through to success, though, we must learn to translate these defensive skirmishes into an all-out counter-offensive against the system of capitalism itself.
The erosion of the post-war social wage began in the late 1970s and was already far advanced long before the overproduction crisis of capitalism was officially recognised, systematically undermining living standards for the mass of ordinary British people.
Every [i]direct[/i] attack on wages and conditions, whether in the form of job cuts, pay freezes, speed-ups, rostering by diktat or cuts to pension and redundancy schemes, has been ...
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End the British occupation of Ireland! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 15 February 2010]

The CPGB-ML urges all British workers to give full support to the campaign to reunite the Irish nation.
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels repeatedly taught that the British working class must support the Irish not only as a matter of justice for Ireland but above all in their own class interest.
It absolutely remains the case that the British proletariat will remain slaves to capital unless and until they stand on the side of the Irish people.
It is the brave and disciplined struggle of the Irish themselves which has translated a united Ireland from a lofty ambition into an impending reality, not the good offices of any Thatcher, Blair or Mo Mowlam.
As Comrade Gerry Adams noted ...
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Celebrate the Great October Revolution (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 03 October 2009]

[b]Public Meeting
Saturday 7 November 2009, 6.00pm[/b]
Saklatvala Hall, Dominion Road, Southall UB2 5AA
Speakers include:
[b]Bob Crow[/b], General Secretary, RMT Union
[b]Jack Shapiro[/b], Lifelong communist and British working-class hero
[b]Ranjeet Brar[/b], CPGB-ML
[b]Turkish comrade[/b], MLKP (Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan
[b]Uphold the banner of communism![/b]
The great October Revolution of 1917 is by far the most progressive event in human history.
It ushered in the era of the downfall of imperialism and the victory of proletarian revolution. Despite all reverses, this is the era we continue to live in; and with capitalist ...
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End the imperialist occupation of Afghanistan (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 27 September 2009]

What are British and American troops doing in Afghanistan? Why is the resistance to them so fierce? Why are dozens of soldiers being killed and even more being maimed for life?
The media put forward a variety of ‘reasons’ for the military intervention of US and British imperialism and their allies in Afghanistan, ranging from it being necessary to suppress al-Qaeda and keep the streets of Britain safe, to bringing democracy to Afghanistan, to stopping the oppression of women by the Taliban, to wiping out the cultivation of opium poppies
In fact, these are all just excuses to gull the gullible. The US’s real interest in Afghanistan is the construction of pipelines to carry oil ...
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The German Nazis committed the Katyn massacre: why are we being lied to?
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 23 June 2009]

The hype surrounding the film [i]Katyn[/i] suggests that ‘we’ have been misled for years into thinking that it was not the Soviets but the German Nazis who committed the massacre of Polish officers at Katyn.
The opposite is the case. The most cursory examination of history books and the internet will prove that we have been told over and over again that it was the Soviets who committed this heinous crime – and in most cases the possibility that it could have been the Germans is not even mentioned.
[b]The facts[/b]
The fact is that the bodies were shot by the Nazis and with German bullets. These bullets were still in the bodies when they were exhumed.
Goebbels, who ...
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Stop the War says: no cooperation with war crimes! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 18 June 2009]

At its National Conference in April, Stop the War Coalition passed the following resolution:
[b]No cooperation with war crimes[/b]
This conference condemns Britain’s continued involvement in the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and calls for the immediate recall of all British troops from both these countries.
While the City of London’s [i]financial elite[/i] sought to benefit by joining arms with the US to seize Iraq’s oil wealth and manipulate her domestic and foreign policy to their advantage, this conference affirms that the entire bloody debacle has always been contrary to the interests of the vast majority of British workers, who have consistently demonstrated their ...
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Workers of all countries, UNITE! Jobs for ALL! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 16 May 2009]

Goaded beyond endurance by the efforts of our masters to heap on our backs the burdens of the economic overproduction crisis, workers are serving notice on their exploiters that the ‘contagion’ of mass militancy now sweeping through Greece and France cannot for ever be kept from our shores.
In light of the mass walk-outs at oil refineries and the occupation tactics adopted by Visteon workers in Enfield and Belfast, it is clear that resistance to the crisis is entering a new stage. This is a time of great danger for the working class, and also a time of great opportunity for revolutionary advance.
[b]Capitalism launches class war …[/b]
For bosses worried that French ...
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No cooperation with Israeli war crimes! Victory to Palestine! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 16 May 2009]

[b]War crimes[/b]
Israel has been committing war crimes in Palestine for 60 years. Ethnic cleansing, massacres, evictions, illegal occupation and colonisation of land, denial of human rights and basic facilities to occupied people, illegal seizure and destruction of houses, crops and property, collective punishment of the entire population ... the list goes on and on, and has been well documented ever since 1948.
In recent months, Israel has clamped down still further on supplies of medicine, food, water and fuel into the Gaza Strip, further exacerbating the humanitarian crisis there. These crimes against Palestinian civilians by the Israeli state are not new, but mounting awareness ...
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Workers have the POWER to change the world; let’s USE it! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 01 May 2009]

[b]Make the capitalists pay for their crisis! [/b]
2009 is fast becoming a year synonymous with capitalist economic crisis on a scale not seen since the Wall Street crash of 1929. Giants of finance capital have collapsed, and the Labour government has responded by giving banks hundreds of billions of taxpayers’ money: robbing the poor to pay the rich.
Workers’ outrage is fully justified, but, in truth, not yet broad enough in its scope, for these are but exaggerations of the daily actions and normal workings of capitalism, whose entire system of wage slavery rests on the [i]perpetual[/i] looting of the wealth created by the labouring masses.
It is abundantly clear that, as ...
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Support the Postal Workers!
No Privatisation!
No stealing of pensions!
Break the Link with Labour!
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 24 February 2009]

The CWU has inevitably been considering breaking the link with Labour. Now the decision by the Labour Government to con-cretely move ahead with privatisation of the Royal Mail has brought matters further to a head.
In the run-up to Christmas, the government revealed moves in the campaign to privatise the Royal Mail by stealth: plans to invite an infusion of private capital. To sweeten the brew still further, former Communications Workers Union (CWU) general secretary Alan Johnson, now reincarnated as the Health Secretary, defended these back-door privatisation plans in Cabinet, insisting that they represented the postal service’s only hope of survival.
This put the CWU on a ...
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Hands off Gaza! Victory to the resistance! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 09 January 2009]

The Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) resolutely condemns Israel’s despicable and cowardly military onslaught against the people of Gaza, and it reaffirms its unreserved solidarity with the Palestinian people.
[b]Israeli brutality and arrogance[/b]
Since the start of Israel’s bombing campaign, on 23 December 2008, several hundred Palestinians – including many children – have been killed, and thousands more have sustained critical injuries. Israel claims that its targets have been exclusively military, but this is manifestly false. For example, more than 50 people (including an entire family of seven young children) were killed when, on 7 January, Israel ...
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Celebrate the Great October Revolution (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 20 October 2008]

Uphold the banner of communism!
The great October Revolution of 1917 is by far the most progressive event in human history. It ushered in the era of the downfall of imperialism and the victory of proletarian revolution. The history of almost the entire 20th century was shaped by the tremors set in motion by this gigantic earthquake in the erstwhile Czarist Russia.
Defying all predictions, and in the teeth of bitter hostility on the part of the overthrown exploiting classes as well as of international imperialism, the Soviet proletariat went on to build a powerful socialist state and a powerful socialist economy, in which planned production to satisfy the constantly rising needs of the ...
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Change the world; join the communists (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 01 October 2008]

[b]Introducing …[/b]
The Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist), Britain’s only consistently anti-imperialist and revolutionary political party, was founded in 2004.
Unlike all other political parties in Britain, our party has no interests separate from those of the international working class and oppressed peoples. We are proud to stand in the tradition, and to base ourselves on the teachings, of such great revolutionary leaders as Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao.
We stand in solidarity with nations and peoples around the world who are fighting imperialism, whether it is with a gun, a pen or a voice.
We support the brave men, women and children of ...
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Celebrate China’s National Day (pdf)
 [issued by Hands off China on 07 September 2008]

Saturday 4 October, 6.30-9.30pm Saklatvala Hall , Dominion Road, Southall, UB2 5AA
Speakers include: Jack Shapiro, Veteran friend of China Saklatvala Hall , Dominion Road, Southall, UB2 5AA Organised jointly with the CPGB-ML Saturday 4 October, 6.30-9.30pm Kojo Gottfried, Former Ghanian ambassador to China Harpal Brar, Chair, CPGB-ML; Editor, Lalkar Keith Bennett, Expert in Asian politics Taimur Rahman, CMKP (Pakistan)
Organised by Hands off China and the CPGB-ML.
Campaign info
The Hands off China campaign is being set up in the light of the vitriolic and deceitful propaganda campaign being waged in the imperialist press against China, as well as the protracted campaign being ...
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Reasons to support China (pdf)
 [issued by Hands off China on 31 August 2008]

Socialist and anti-imperialist states have always been subjected to slanders and accusations by the imperialist press and academia. The endless clamour about ‘human rights abuses’ is a tired old technique for deceiving people. As Malcolm X once said: “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
Here we present five important facts about New China.
[b]Life in China is better since the revolution[/b]
The Chinese Revolution (1949) and the birth of New China marked the end of feudal backwardness and over a hundred years of brutal semi-colonial domination and humiliation. ...
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The working class has the POWER to stop the war. Let’s USE it! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 27 August 2008]

[b]Dismal failure for imperialism[/b]
Despite the best efforts of the US and Britain, the war on Iraq has proven to be an unmitigated disaster for imperialism. The Iraqi resistance has succeeded in frustrating every strategy and every surge, and we are now at a point where the resistance has all but won the war.
The strategic debate for the US and its allies is no longer about how to win; it is about how to withdraw with minimal losses, leaving a few crucial bases and painting defeat as victory.
In spite of all the extra troops, the black propaganda, the psychological warfare, and the attempts to incite civil war, the resistance refuses to wane. Over the course of last year, 899 ...
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Hands off China launch meeting (pdf)
 [issued by Hands Off China on 30 June 2008]

HANDS OFF CHINA Launch Meeting
Saturday 19 July 2008
Kings Cross Neighbourhood Centre,
51 Argyle Street
London WC1H 8EF
Speakers include:
- Jack Shapiro – Veteran Friend of China
- Harpal Brar – Chairman, CPGB-ML; Editor, Lalkar
- Keith Bennett
- Others invited
The Hands off China campaign is being set up in the light of the vitriolic and deceitful propaganda campaign being waged in the imperialist press against China, as well as the protracted campaign being waged by the US and its allies aimed at destabilising, weakening and encircling the country. Ignorance and misinformation about China is widespread in Britain, even in the working class movement; hence ...
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Decent homes for all! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 11 May 2008]

The CPGB-ML stands for the right of everyone to be decently and affordably housed. When the working class has taken state power and ownership of all important means of production, including land, housing will be allocated to everyone, and considerable priority will be given to ensuring that as quickly as possible everybody’s housing conditions are of a standard that will satisfy all.
In socialist countries, such as the DPRK, Cuba and the former Soviet Union, a small payment towards the cost of maintenance and repairs is all that is required to live in a home that has enough rooms for the size of the family it contains.
Although housing will almost certainly all be state-owned ...
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Break the link with Labour! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 28 April 2008]

With crisis and war besetting capitalist society, it has never been more important for workers to unite as a class. Those public-sector workers who have come out on strike against the government’s wage freeze have demonstrated their readiness for a united battle in defence of living standards.
The last TUC conference passed a resolution, raised by the PCS union, urging the executive to lead and organise the fight-back in the public sector. A committee was duly appointed for this purpose – which to date has done precisely nothing.
Despite the willingness of public-sector workers and others to have a go, industrial action across the sector remains limited to a series of random ...
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Stop the privatisation of our schools! Free, quality education for all (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 24 April 2008]

The Labour government is in the process of privatising the school system by means of an array of different measures, each dressed up as a boon for teachers, parents and pupils.
[b]Private Finance Initiative[/b]
Schools have been the primary target of PFI. Major building work in schools is now almost invariably funded and managed by private profiteers, who make their investment back through payment of instalments.
Ostensibly, this is done in order to get the most ‘competitive’ prices and services; in reality, it is done in order to get taxpayers’ money into the coffers of massive construction companies and consultancy and management firms, whilst giving the illusion of lower ...
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‘Land of the free’ is a prison of nations (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 18 April 2008]

The United States puts itself forward as a ‘democracy’; it calls itself the ‘land of the free’; it considers that it has the right to police the world, the right to label other countries as ‘undemocratic’ or lacking in freedom; it imposes sanctions and wages wars in the name of ‘human rights’.
And yet the US state, along with its fellow imperialist vultures in Britain and elsewhere, is the worst violator of human rights in the world.
By waging unjust wars for economic and geo-political advantage, the US and its allies deny millions of people the most fundamental human right: the right to life.
Through its economic stranglehold over the third world, imperialism is ...
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End the occupation: victory to the Iraqi resistance! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 15 March 2008]

[b]Dismal failure for imperialism[/b]
Today, as we mark the fifth anniversary of the criminal and genocidal invasion of Iraq, it is clear that, despite the best efforts of the US and its increasingly disillusioned junior partner, Britain, the war has proven to be an unmitigated disaster for imperialism. Every strategy of the occupiers has been frustrated and every surge has been broken.
The 36,000 extra troops that landed in 2007 have been totally unable to contain the forces of the Iraqi resistance, which continues to grow daily in strength, stature and experience, and whose world-historic victory over the colonial occupiers is assured. For all the extra troops, for all the black ...
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Palestine is a British working-class issue (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 22 February 2008]

[b]Not just a humanitarian question[/b]
Karl Marx, commenting on the relationship between Britain and Ireland, famously wrote that “the nation that oppresses another nation forges its own chains”. This is still true today. So long as the British working class goes along with the actions of British imperialism for the sake of the few crumbs that it gets by way of payment for this complicity, it will remain impotent in the struggle against British capitalism and for socialism. This simple truth, seemingly obvious, is widely misunderstood or ignored in the British ‘left’. However, to continue to ignore it is forever to submit ourselves to the mercy of capital.
British ...
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Celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Great October Revolution (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 10 October 2007]

[b]Uphold the banner of communism[/b]
The great October Revolution of 1917 is by far the most progressive event in human history. It ushered in the era of the downfall of imperialism and the victory of proletarian revolution. The history of almost the entire 20th century was shaped by the tremors set in motion by this gigantic earthquake in the erstwhile Czarist Russia.
Defying all predictions, and in the teeth of bitter hostility on the part of the overthrown exploiting classes as well as of international imperialism, the Soviet proletariat went on to build a powerful socialist state and a powerful socialist economy, in which planned production to satisfy the constantly rising needs ...
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A vote for the bourgeois parties is a vote for internal suppression and endless war (pdf)
 [issued by CPBG-ML on 17 July 2007]

Exploitation, suppression and war
In the forthcoming by-elections in Ealing Southall and Sedgefield the electorate is faced with effectively no choice. In the end it boils down to which representative of the bourgeoisie gets to manage affairs on behalf of the ruling class; which of them oversees the exploitation of the working class at home and the plunder and super-exploitation of oppressed peoples around the world. A vote for the bourgeois parties is a vote for exploitation, internal suppression and endless war.
Under a Labour government, and the Conservatives or the LibDems would do no different, attacks on working people are being stepped up - the gap between rich and poor is ...
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Support the postal workers! Break the link with Labour! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 11 July 2007]

The fact that over 95% of postal workers supported the first of the one day strikes called by the Communication Workers Union (CWU) was welcome proof of the continued readiness of workers to offer resistance to capitalism’s efforts to impose its crisis burdens onto their backs – even when hamstrung by the least auspicious leadership.
This well-merited slap in the face for Leighton, Crozier and co., provoked by their insulting offer of a 2.5% rise (a cut in real terms), the threatened loss of 40,000 jobs, and the progressive undermining of the public postal service, gives us a small taste of the much weightier blows that will be struck when organized labour at last frees itself from ...
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Break the link with Labour! Defy the anti-trade union laws! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 24 April 2007]

May Day is a day for celebration of the working class – the class whose labour is the source of all capitalist profit. Yet, although the power of these workers is so infinite, the wealth they produce is taken from them by a small ruling class of billionaire exploiters, the bourgeoisie. The latter not only appropriates to itself the whole of the wealth of society but also takes over [i]political command[/i] over the whole of society, bending everything and everyone to its own purpose – the [i]maximisation of profit[/i].
Under the capitalist system, not only is there constant pressure on workers to work harder and longer, receiving less benefit in return, with endless attacks on wages, ...
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Condemn US-Ethiopian aggression against Somalia (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 03 March 2007]

Public meeting
Saturday 17 March 2007, 5.00pm
Saklatvala Hall, Southall
Dominion Road, off Featherstone Road, UB2 5AA
[10mins from Southall rail station, facing Dominion Car Park]
Speakers include: Mohammed Hassan (expert on Horn of Africa, Workers Party of Belgium)
Fed up with chaos, violence and insecurity, the overwhelming majority of Somali people rallied around the armed forces of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) which routed the US-backed warlords out of Mogadishu in June last year. For the first time in 15 years, ICU rule brought to the Somali people a semblance of order, national identity and the prospect of a peaceful future.
The US wanted to win back control of ...
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End the occupation: victory to the Iraqi resistance! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 20 February 2007]

In Iraq, the year 2006 closed with the judicial murder of president Saddam Hussein, the death of the 3,000th US soldier, the slaughter of nearly 700,000 innocent Iraqi men, women and children, and the wholesale destruction of Iraqi towns and villages.
[b]Defeat for imperialism[/b]
For all the carnage and devastation wreaked by it on Iraq, and the murder of its president, US and British imperialism are staring in the face of a most ignominious defeat.
The resistance attacks on the occupation forces have become ever more lethal and frequent – running at 180 a day. Even the fortified Green Zone in Baghdad is no longer under the control of the occupation forces and its ...
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Save the NHS from capitalist greed! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 10 November 2006]

[b]Giving away NHS to profiteers[/b]
It costs Cuba £100 per person per year to provide a free medical service to its people, and life expectancy in Cuba is similar to that in the UK and the US.
The NHS in Britain provides a service that in 1997 cost £650 per person per year, and which we are constantly told the government cannot really afford, the conclusion being that the only way of keeping the NHS is increasingly to involve the private sector. It is this involvement, however, that makes Britain's health provision so much more expensive than Cuba's, while being no more effective. Millions of pounds are being poured into the pockets of private pharmaceuticals companies and ...
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Celebrate the October Revolution (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 05 November 2006]

Public Meeting: Celebrate the October Revolution
Saturday 11 November 2006, 7.00pm
Saklatvala Hall, Dominion Rd, Southall
Main Speaker: Giles Shorter, CPGB-ML
Including speakers and solidarity messages from:
New Communist Party
Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (ML)
Socialist Labour Party
The great October Revolution of 1917 is by far the most progressive event in human history. It ushered in the era of the downfall of imperialism and the victory of proletarian revolution. The history of almost the entire twentieth century was shaped by the tremors set in motion by this gigantic earthquake in the erstwhile Czarist Russia.
Defying all predictions, and in the ...
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You've got to be red to be green! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 05 November 2006]

Three major challenges face humanity today - poverty, war and the destruction of the environment.
Climate change
A certain amount of climate change is already unavoidable, but with preparation and adaptation, the worst of the disaster could still be averted. We need to implement methods of farming that do not add to global warming, for example, and to find strategies for food production that can stand up to more extreme weather patterns. Sea defences must be built and populations that are at risk of losing their homes relocated. Most urgently of all, we need to establish energy sources that don't emit carbon.
While most of the green lobby is agreed that alternatives such as wind, ...
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Weekend school: The Marxist theory of knowledge (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 25 September 2006]

11-12 November
Saklatvala Hall, Dominion Road, Southall, UB2 5AA
Being a Marxist means more than just reading Volume 1 of Capital; it also means understanding the Marxist method of analysis and being able to apply it to the current circumstances; being able to put theory into action in the context of the struggle of the working class against imperialist capitalism and for communism. Without such an understanding, we are helpless to make sense of current issues, in particular the ongoing struggle between exploiters and exploited.
The aim of this weekend school is to give an overview of the principles of Marxist philosophy. Topics include Dialectical and Historical Materialism, ...
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It's more than Blair that has to go! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 23 September 2006]

After another seven years of war abroad and repression at home, there is no longer much room for doubt about the motivations for these constantly escalating wars.
Inter-imperialist rivalries
The more liberal sections of the British ruling class, having once denied that such a thing as imperialism even existed, are now being forced to prove their democratic credentials to the British public by criticising US imperialism in increasingly clear terms. The motivators for this are:
i) the unfettered, horrifying violence which has been unleashed in recent years by imperialist wars and which has shocked the British population;
ii) a recognition that the wars being waged in ...
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Meeting (Southall): Victory to the Resistance in Lebanon and Palestine (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 09 August 2006]

The current situation demands an urgent response. It demands wholehearted support for the resistance fighters in Lebanon and Palestine from all working and oppressed people.
The present Israeli aggression against Lebanon and Gaza is a continuation of the politics of US imperialism through the agency of Israeli zionism. Its aim has nothing to do with so-called ‘kidnapped’ soldiers. It has everything to do with trying to destroy the resistance to Israeli and imperialist designs for Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, seizing control of Lebanon and weakening Syria and Iran.
But this military adventure by imperialism is not going according to its plans. It is meeting heroic ...
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Victory to the Resistance in Lebanon and Palestine (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 05 August 2006]

The present Israeli aggression against Lebanon and Gaza is a continuation of the politics of US imperialism through the agency of Israeli zionism, its heavily armed military and nuclear base in the Middle East.
US/Israeli attack on Lebanon is doomed
The capture of two Israeli soldiers by Hizbollah on 12 July was used as a pre-text for the US-planned aggression by its zionist rottweiler on a scale that has astonished all progressive humanity. Lebanese infrastructure was smashed to smithereens, 100s of civilians killed and nearly a million made homeless. The Israeli military not only expected Hizbollah's fighting capacity to be decimated, but also the Lebanese population to be ...
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Hands off Iran (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 09 June 2006]

Anti-imperialist Iran
From the day that the Iranian people overthrew the regime of US imperialism's most beloved puppet, the Shah, the US has maintained a stand of unrelenting aggressive hostility towards the Iranian regime, even through the past decade, in which Iranian foreign policy has been characterised by a policy of efforts to mend its relations with imperialism.
Nothing Iran did, however, prevented the US from designating Iran a part of the 'axis of evil'; that is to say, a country where the US proclaimed itself to have the right to use 'pre-emptive strikes' to bring about regime change.
This is why today the US is trying, through the UN Security Council and threatened ...
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End the occupation: victory to the Iraqi resistance! Hands off Iran!
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 18 March 2006]

[b]Resistance getting stronger by the day[/b]
The twentieth of March 2006 marks the third anniversary of the commencement of the Anglo-American imperialist predatory war against the people of Iraq. We were initially told that we would witness a display of "shock and awe", resulting in a speedy victory for the US and its partners in crime. Three years later, the position of the imperialists is getting worse by the day, in inverse proportion to the growing strength and audacity of the heroic Iraqi national resistance. 'Operation Iraqi Freedom' is costing the imperialists waging the war very dearly indeed. Thus far, the US has spent approximately $210 billion, while Britain has spent £4 ...
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Palestine is a British working class issue! (updated March 2006) (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 11 March 2006]

Not just a humanitarian question
Karl Marx, commenting on the relationship between Britain and Ireland, famously wrote that "the nation that oppresses another nation forges its own chains". By this, he meant that, so long as the British working class continued its complicity in the exploitation and subjugation of the Irish people, so long as they continued to benefit economically from Ireland's labour and resources, its objective role would be to strengthen British capital, and consequently delay its overthrow.
The same principle applies today: so long as the British working class goes along with the actions of British imperialism for the sake of the few crumbs that ...
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Labour Party racism recruits for the BNP (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 26 October 2005]

The false argument is put forward nowadays that we must vote Labour because at least they are ‘better’ than the fascists.
Fascism – last resort of the ruling class
Of course it is true that if one has to have capitalism – ie, bourgeois rule – then bourgeois democracy is easier to live with than naked fascist repression.
As far as elections in Britain at this time are concerned, however, no matter how many council seats the BNP won, this would not lead to fascism, with its concentration camps for the murder of communists and ethnic minorities, or even deportations, since none of this suits the bourgeois ruling class at the present time.
This class will resort to ...
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Celebrate the October Revolution
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 12 October 2005]

Saturday 5 November 2005, 7.00pm
Saklatvala Hall, Dominion Rd, Southall
Speakers include:
Mohammed Hassan
Workers Party of Belgium
Expert in Middle Eastern affairs
Harpal Brar
Editor of Lalkar
- Speeches
- Discussion
- Cultural programme
- Food and drink
The great October Revolution of 1917 is by far the most progressive event in human history. It ushered in the era of the downfall of imperialism and the victory of proletarian revolution. The history of almost the entire twentieth century was shaped by the tremors set in motion by this gigantic earthquake in the erstwhile Czarist Russia.
Defying all predictions, and ...
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End the Occupation: victory to the Iraqi resistance! No war for oil! (updated) (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 24 September 2005]

Today, when the war for cheap oil has only made oil more expensive, and resistance in Iraq is inspiring resistance all over the globe, even the friends of imperialism are forced to acknowledge the truth of the Mao's famous dictum that "imperialism lifts a rock only to drop it on its own feet". The imperialists' dreams for a pliant and plundered Iraq are lying in tatters.
Sovereign government?
The Basra incident (Sep 05) has exposed the occupiers' murky tactics and totally undermined the myth that the Iraqi puppet government has any real power. Two British soldiers, disguised as Arabs were stopped by an Iraqi police officer who discovered their cargo of explosives. ...
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Students: Welcome to your life! What next? (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 10 September 2005]

Leaving home and starting university is a challenging and exciting time.
This is a valuable chance to learn more about humanity's culture and achievements: its languages, arts and sciences; medicine and engineering; computing and electronics. All the accumulated knowledge of generations past, whose striving to understand their material environment bore fruits of knowledge and invention that transform our daily lives.
Many decisions will have led you to this point (what to study and where; whether to stay at home or to set out on a new footing), but many crucial ones remain. There is some knowledge, for example, that is not handed to us on a plate, whether it be life experience or a ...
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The blood of the London victims is on the hands of Anglo-American imperialism (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 03 August 2005]

The Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) declares its sympathies with those who were wounded or died in the bombings in London on 7 July and extends condolences to the bereaved families.
We do this just as sincerely as we do to the bereaved families of the 100,000 plus victims of the British and US terror in Iraq, and hope that the British working class may begin to understand a little of the nightmare that the Iraqi people have lived through since the invasion and occupation of their country by our imperialist rulers.
End the occupation Victory to the resistance
We call for redoubled efforts on the part of the British working class to end the ...
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Palestine is a British working class issue (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 20 May 2005]

Not just a humanitarian question
Karl Marx, commenting on the relationship between Britain and Ireland, famously wrote that "the nation that oppresses another nation forges its own chains". By this, he meant that, so long as the British working class continued its complicity in the exploitation and subjugation of the Irish people, so long as they continued to benefit economically from Ireland's labour and resources, its objective role would be to strengthen British capital, and consequently delay its overthrow.
The same principle applies today: so long as the British working class goes along with the actions of British imperialism for the sake of the few crumbs that ...
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Join the fight against imperialism and for communism! No to reformism! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 15 May 2005]

All over the world (apart from in the few socialist countries that refuse to submit to imperialism's diktat), life for the impoverished majority is increasingly characterised by hunger, ill health, lack of educational facilities, lack of clean water etc.
Everywhere, basic human rights are being trampled on by the force of profit, which brings privatisation, war, occupation, poverty, devastation and Structural Adjustment Programmes. To put it simply, while the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer at an alarming rate.
A capitalist future - war and devastation
Since the collapse of the USSR and the socialist bloc in Europe, the main imperialist powers have lost their ...
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A vote for the bourgeois parties is a vote for internal suppression and endless war (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 20 April 2005]

Racist manipulation
The bourgeois parties are courting voters disillusioned by Labour and Tory alike by stimulating, aiding and abetting xenophobic prejudices. These prejudices help to blind many British workers to the fact that their problems - in finding good jobs, in securing adequate housing, pensions and social facilities etc - are problems intrinsic to capitalism, which only the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement with socialism can solve.
Ever since society split into minority exploiter and majority exploited classes, the minority ruling class has survived by deploying the maxim 'Divide and Rule', encouraging the exploited to blame each other for the ...
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Coventry car production dealt another killer blow (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 18 April 2005]

Ryton to lose another shift
Following closure of Jaguar's Browns Lane plant (at a direct cost of 1,100 jobs) and last year's shut down of Peugeot's fourth shift (losing another 700 jobs), we now learn that Peugeot is to close yet another shift this summer, at a cost of another 850 jobs! These losses affect far more people than simply the workers made redundant: those in companies supplying components to Peugeot, as well providing services to Peugeot workers also suffer. The 15 percent increase in production announced at Land Rover in Solihull will make up only some of the losses to the local economy. Worse news still is that Peugeot is widely expected to close down its ...
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Zimbabwe meeting 19 March 2005 (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML Central Committee / Zimbabwe Solidarity Front on 10 March 2005]

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A decent pension is a right for all!
No pensioner poverty! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 03 February 2005]

It is often said that you can judge a society by the way it treats its old people. By such a standard, Britain must rank as one of the most uncivilised countries in the world.
While the ruling class likes to perpetuate myths about pensioners being a burden on society and poverty in old age being the fault of the poverty-stricken, the truth is that Britain has more than enough wealth to provide a decent life for all.
Recognising that:
- The cost of living is not significantly less for retired people than it is for people who work.
- Older people tend to require support from the health and social services.
- Those wholly or partially unable to look after themselves need access ...
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Jaguar closure: livelihoods destroyed in the interests of profit (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 27 November 2004]

Two years after the closure of Ford Dagenham with the loss of 1,900 jobs at Ford and over 13,000 among its suppliers in Croydon, Enfield, Leamington, Swansea and elsewhere, we are now facing closure of the Ford Jaguar plant in Coventry.
Jaguar is a name synonymous with Coventry, where car manufacture was first set up in 1896, and where as early as 1911 there were 7,000 car workers. This number, already down to 1,150 is now to be reduced to nothing, while no less than £50m will be lost to Coventry's economy, which has already lost Massey Ferguson and most of Marconi and seen a reduction of shift at Peugeot in the last two years.
Rover production at Longbridge vanished in 2000, with ...
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We salute Arafat's life; we mourn his death (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 11 November 2004]

The CPGB-ML and the anti-imperialist magazine Lalkar express their deep sorrow at the passing away of comrade Yasser Arafat, without a doubt one of the greatest anti-imperialist fighters of our time, and the most representative spokesman of the Palestinian people for over 40 years.
Arafat has been involved in every significant event in the history of the movement for Palestinian liberation since the late 1950s. He and others founded Fatah in 1957 in order, at first, to initiate and co-ordinate small military attacks against Israel with a view to reigniting the spirit of the Palestinian people and keeping alive the 'Palestinian issue'.
In 1968, he led the fighters of the Karameh ...
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End the Occupation: victory to the Iraqi resistance! No war for oil! (pdf)
 [issued by CPGB-ML on 05 October 2004]

Today, when the war for cheap oil has only made oil more expensive, and resistance in Iraq is inspiring resistance all over the globe, even the friends of imperialism are forced to acknowledge the truth of the Mao's famous dictum that "imperialism lifts a rock only to drop it on its own feet". The imperialists' dreams for a pliant and plundered Iraq are lying in tatters.
Sovereign government?
Since the alleged 'handover of power' in June, the US's latest stooge in Iraq is the puppet Iyad Allawi, a CIA agent and gangster, exiled to London for the last 30 years. Allawi recently proved his credentials by pulling out a pistol and murdering six prisoners merely suspected of belonging to ...
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