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Proletarian issue 39 (December 2010)
Letter: From an Australian comrade
Dear Comrade Brar

I have been a great admirer of your political work and activism for my, albeit short, political life. Your unrelenting and tireless struggle against revisionism and Trotskyism, and exposure of opportunism, has inspired me in my own political life.

I joined the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) in December 1997, aged 20, and was fortunate indeed to have in my local branch two experienced comrades who were Marxist Leninists of the highest stature, as my political knowledge was quite limited.

I can still vividly recall the day, in 1998 or 1999, when a discussion of revisionism and Trotskyism broke out. In my political naivety I enquired what was the difference between Marxism and Trotskyism. At the end of the conversation, a comrade lent me your two books, Perestroika: the Complete Collapse of Revisionism and Trotskyism or Leninism? These two books had a profound impact on me.

Two things stood out immediately. When I opened Perestroika, the first thing I saw was a dedication to Comrade Stalin. Up to that point, my knowledge of Comrade Stalin’s true legacy was non-existent and still slightly susceptible to the slanderous bile heaped upon him. But from that moment on I began to cut through the filthy lies and recognise his immortal contribution to Marxism Leninism.

On the same subject, I clearly recall reading the back of Trotskyism or Leninism? which stated that some people still had the erroneous view that after Lenin, Trotsky was the greatest Leninist, and Comrade Lenin’s comrade-in-arms. Instantly, I recognised this was me. It wasn’t a deeply-held belief, more a mere assumption.

Your exposure of Trotskyism and Khrushchevite revisionism, among many other petty-bourgeois social-democratic opportunists, was earth-shaking to me as a Marxist Leninist. And what also stood out to me in your writings was your passion for socialism and communism, and your burning hatred for the corrupt, rotten system that is capitalist imperialism.

I have been attempting over the years to follow your activity and was greatly heartened to hear of the formation in 2004 of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist). Just recently I have acquired access to the internet in my home (in contrast to the limited use at my local library) and have become a devotee of the outstanding CPGB-ML website and its Marxist-Leninist analysis of events, which I find invaluable.

Also, full credit to the CPGB-ML for the work in establishing fraternal relations with comrades in the socialist countries, as well as support for other anti-imperialist struggles.

In conclusion, I would just like to wish you, Comrade Brar, all the best for the future, in every endeavour, political and otherwise, especially the task of bringing socialism to the proletariat of Britain, and please pass on my fraternal greetings to all comrades in the CPGB-ML. We may be separated by a lot of ocean, however yourself, and fellow comrades, inspire myself and all Marxist Leninists, anti-imperialists.

Forward to communism!

Death to capitalist imperialism!

MW, Australia

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